Document formatting
• Heading font style/type/size | In-text style/type/size •
• Line and paragraph spacing | Dynamic tables of contents/figures/tables •
• Custom headers and footers | Format to journal submission/university guidelines •
— Fix any other formatting issues —
Document formatting can be a challenging task, and sometimes there may not be enough time to learn how to resolve a small but significant formatting issue before the deadline for a document arrives. With this in mind, the document formatting service can ensure that you do not become side-tracked from the more important work of completing the content. Provided that your document has been created using Microsoft Word, the formatting can be quickly and effectively modified to your specific requirements, or those of your submitting university or journal.
The standard document formatting fee is £3 per 1,000 words, although for formatting projects that include a large number of issues, or involve complex content, then the fee will increase to £4.50 per 1,000 words. To include document formatting in your quotation, please select formatting on the quotation form.